Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sophomore Year!

This may be the one and only blog post that I actually get around to creating. I'm really really awful at just writing. Instead I prefer to talk to people, but that's ok, because I'm making at least one attempt right now! Short and sweet may be the answer for me being able to write consistent blog posts, no matter how out of character it is for me, so I'll try to be concise.

-Having Rachel here is great! Even though we don't get to see each other all the time, we get to see each other enough, and even just knowing that she's close is fantastic.
-I forgot how cool my friends here are. I love just being around them. It's awesome.
-Band is still super fun.
-Church is still one of the highlights of my week.
-I'm getting to watch a movie tonight at the free movie theater with free popcorn and a drink, and it isn't even out in theaters yet! (Oh yeah, it's Pitch Perfect)
-Being IM Chair is more work than I expected, but I'm still really glad that I'm doing it. I'm meeting even more really cool people.
-Math will not be very fun.
-Work in the German department is awesome, and even the people on my shift at the dining hall are cool, so I'm thinking work won't even be that bad.

Basically, I think this semester is going to be awesome. I'm excited for it. I love it. College is great.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Procrastinating for the Win!

Now that Charity is back in Tonga, I guess that I can attempt to maintain this blog a little better than I have for the past month and a half... I probably just shouldn't be doing it right now considering the project I need to finish for tomorrow, the problem set I need to start, and the review session that I need to go to in half an hour. Oh well.
I've officially decided that I don't like Princeton's schedule. Period. It's not as bad for a couple of my classes where the projects/essays aren't entirely related to stuff from the regular semester, but for chemistry it's straight up awful.  I've already gone to a couple review sessions on specific topics and I discovered that I have forgotten so much of chemistry already. My next week is going to be consumed by studying. Boo. The good news is that I'm actually going to have two weeks free though! I didn't realize that finals actually took two weeks, probably because my final is in the first week. Once I finish that, I'm done, so I'll have another free week where some people are taking finals, plus intersession. It should be fun. I'm looking forward to that and going back to my church a lot. It should be even more fun because Kylee will be going to church with me! Yay!
Now that I've successfully distracted myself for a little bit, I do need to finish an essay really quick, so I'm going to go now. 'Ofa atu! :D

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

So tired...

I officially fail at blogging...
On a different note, though, I am really tired. It's not even 12:30, so it's not like it's that late, but I'm just tired tonight. Normally I'd just call it a night and go to bed, but I have a problem tonight. I told a kind of friend that I'd compare answers for our chem problem set that's due tomorrow. The reason he's only a kind of friend is because I don't have his number to text him and tell him to hurry up and get here so then I could go to bed... Argh. I'm thinking right now that I'm just going to resort to a power nap and just set an alarm for 15 minutes so I can be awake when he gets here.
Completely different note, my room looks nice and festive for the holidays! Woo! Less than two weeks until Charity is home! I really am going to power nap now, though, so 'ofa atu!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


So I may or may not have accidentally forgotten about the fact that this blog existed...
Oh well though! I'll just pretend like I've been posting a lot anyways, which means that I'll just give a preview of my next few days.  I'm actually pretty excited, because apart from class tomorrow, my weekend seems like it should be rather awesome. Without class on Friday, I have began to classify Thursday night as the weekend, so I'm looking forward to dinner with friends, and then some Jeopardy! I plan on continuing to watch Jeopardy almost every day over Christmas break. Be warned. But anyways, I'll then work on some chem homework before watching The Office and Grey's Anatomy. Woo! Maybe even Private Practice... That may be getting a little excessive, though. Anyways, Friday will consist of some homework, a chem review session, dinner and Jeopardy, and a free showing of Captain America at the local theater! I'm going with Sara to that, which will be lots of fun. I even get free popcorn and pop. Score. Saturday will be an interesting day with my freshman seminar field trip to New York City to go on a sound walk. I still don't know what I'm doing Saturday night, but I'm sure something fun will come up.  Sunday will be church, chem review (I have a test on Monday on thermodynamics... oh man), and work.  I guess that isn't as exciting, except for church, which I still love.  All in all it should be a good weekend, especially since it will mean Thanksgiving later in the week! This is really a pretty awful post, but oh well, I need to get to bed so I can wake up and do halfways decent on my German quiz in the morning...
'Ofa atu! : )

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Well here's a really poo-poo from Princeton right here. Guess who locked themself out of their single room. Oh yeah. Except Princeton has a lovely lockout policy to make it all better. During business hours (8:45-5), if you lock yourself out, you have to walk to a building across campus to borrow a temporary replacement key that you have to return within twenty-four hours. Here's the catch: the third time you have to do this, and any subsequent times, you have to pay $30 for borrowing the key. It gets better. If you lock yourself out after business hours or on the weekend, you have to call Public Safety, which is an automatic $30 each time. At 6:30, I realized that I locked myself out... yet again. Last week I locked myself out on Tuesday, too, but it was only my first time, so I just walked over to New South (the building for the Housing Department), got back in my room, and everything was just fine and dandy. But today, since it was after hours, I couldn't really do this. Sadly, I also inherited this problem with spending money from father dearest, so naturally, I don't want to pay the $30 for P-Safe to come let me in my room. Luckily I have some friends that live in an 8 person suite and have a couch in their common room, so I'm camping out there for the night, but it's still very annoying not having my glasses or pajamas to change into. So now I have to wake up in the morning to go get a key, get into my room, and then get ready to go to class. Joy. Plus I have the added stress of knowing that I can't lock myself out. For the rest of the year. Even better. My goal is to tie my lanyard to my backpack. Hopefully that works. But that's the news from Princeton. 'Ofa atu!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Why Rachel is Getting My Camera After Fall Break

This would be my one and only picture that I've taken with my camera since being on campus. Believe it or not, that's been for over a month now. Oops. What can I say? I missed some kind of picture taking gene that both of my older sisters seem to have received. It's a good think they like taking pictures so I can keep up with their lives, but no wonder Mom gets frustrated with me. The only reason I took this one was because I got a lovely package with my glasses and other assorted things and I was instructed to take a picture so Wesley didn't forget what I looked like and so the family could see my new glasses.  Apparently I did very well with that idea... over two weeks later. Moral of the story: In less than two weeks, when I see most of the family over fall break, Rachel will get my camera in the hopes that somebody can post pictures.
Apart from all of this, I'm starting to feel like I've been here for a very long time, while also like I've only been here for two days. It's a rather strange feeling. I have routines for things like my laundry (every week I alternate between washing my towel and my sheets with the rest of my clothes) and when I buy milk, but on the other hand, I still don't know what to expect from midterms next week. Also, despite having been on two band trips now, I still don't know what to expect when going to Harvard this weekend. The band never ceases to surprise me.  I discovered last post that I enjoy lists, so I'm going to go to sleep after a fun list of other things that have surprised me about college:
1. I still manage to get 7-ish hours of sleep on a typical night, which doesn't include Thursday nights when I sleep as long as I want. It's incredible.
2. I stay on my computer at what I used to think were obscene hours of the night to see if a certain sister might appear on Skype, but it doesn't bother me because I'd be up anyways.
3. I haven't gotten really fat yet, although I have gained a couple pounds, or at least I think I have. Oh well though, because the food is good.
4. I get to watch Jeopardy! almost every night with a group of my closest friends.
5. I might not fail out of Princeton. Heck, I might even be able to pull of decent grades.
6. I actually miss playing high school sports. And by that, I mean sports, because intramurals once a week just don't cut it.
7. It's much easier to tell when I haven't swept my floor than at home. Stupid hardwood instead of carpet.
8. I e-mail Miss Varley. Bahaha.
9. I don't have to fight for a shower in the mornings.
10. I haven't found the time to read a trashy romance novel yet.
But now I'm going to go to bed so I can get up, go to class, and then do lots of homework! Yay for college! 'Ofa atu! : )

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Almost October

I guess I'm even worse at this than I originally thought I was, but oh well...
Anyways, it's almost October, which means that I've been on campus for two and a half weeks now for the fall semester.  I've pretty much settled into a routine, which is definitely much less stressful than the first week was.  Fridays are the best days by far, because I have no class at all!  This Friday won't be quite as nice, because I have an essay due at 5 PM... That's besides the point though! Mondays are probably the next best, because I only have two classes from 10 to 12:20.  I can't complain much about that at all.  Wednesdays are pretty nice too with the same schedule as Monday with a 50 minute small class discussion for chemistry, which is normally a 150 person lecture, from 1:30 to 2:20.  Although Thursdays are longer because I have class from 10 to 4:30 with an hour for lunch, they're still not very stressful because I know I don't have class the next day.  Tuesdays are really the only day of the week that I don't like because I have class from 10 to 4:30, which is then followed by two hours of band practice.  I really don't like not being able to start on homework until after dinner, but I just have to learn to deal with it.  In general, classes are pretty nice, but I'm probably speaking too early considering how I haven't had any tests or quizzes yet.  I was actually supposed to have my first German quiz tomorrow, but class got cancelled due to a medical emergency for my professor.  Shame that it got moved to Monday, which happens to be my birthday. Boo. Oh well, though.
Away from classes, I've found a few really great things that make my life better. In no particular order:
1. A plethora of libraries that provide fantastic study spots.
2. Murray-Dodge Cafe, which translates to free cookies and hot chocolate while visiting with friends.
3. Intramural frisbee. Enough said for anybody that knows me.
4. The marching band: Completely ridiculous, while still managing to sound good... Basically the opposite of Reynolds with much much cooler uniforms.
5. An awesome little church where the people are super nice. I look forward to it starting Sunday afternoon.
6. Pears in the dining hall.
7. The sense of accomplishment I feel when I realize that yes, I really am doing my own laundry.
8. Disney movies every Thursday night for a while.
9. Ice cream. Everywhere.
10. Great friends.
Basically, I'm starting to figure out why people like college, because there are other things that I haven't even mentioned.  I wonder if Tonga is as awesome? Who knows, maybe I'll get to find out some day! 'Ofa atu : )